Taxonomic list T4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

ganglion sympathicum

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Top level complexus anatomicus Short Extended
Level 3 ganglion Short Extended
Current level ganglion sympathicum
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
5890 6332
ganglion sympathicum
sympathetic ganglion
5891 6761
ganglion paravertebrale trunci sympathici
paravertebral ganglion of sympathetic trunk
6470 9386
ganglion cervicale
cervical ganglion
6467 6767
ganglion cervicale superius
superior cervical ganglion
6468 6774
ganglion cervicale medium
middle cervical ganglion
(ganglion vertebrale )
(vertebral ganglion )
6469 6778
ganglion cervicothoracicum ; ganglion stellatum ; ganglion cervicale inferius
cervicothoracic ganglion ; stellate ganglion ; inferior cervical ganglion
6471 6782
ganglion thoracicum
thoracic ganglion
6474 9408
ganglion thoracicum primum
first thoracic ganglion
6475 9409
ganglion thoracicum secundum
second thoracic ganglion
6476 9423
ganglion thoracicum tertium
third thoracic ganglion
6477 9424
ganglion thoracicum quartum
fourth thoracic ganglion
6478 9426
ganglion thoracicum quintum
fifth thoracic ganglion
6479 9435
ganglion thoracicum sextum
sixth thoracic ganglion
6480 9436
ganglion thoracicum septimum
seventh thoracic ganglion
6481 9437
ganglion thoracicum octavum
eighth thoracic ganglion
6482 9438
ganglion thoracicum nonum
ninth thoracic ganglion
6483 9439
ganglion thoracicum decimum
tenth thoracic ganglion
6485 9447
ganglion thoracicum duodecimum
twelfth thoracic ganglion
6472 6791
ganglion lumbale
lumbar ganglion
6473 6793
ganglion sacrale
sacral ganglion
6552 9456
ganglion sacrale primum
first sacral ganglion
6553 9471
ganglion sacrale secundum
second sacral ganglion
6554 9467
ganglion sacrale tertium
third sacral ganglion
6555 9469
ganglion sacrale quartum
fourth sacral ganglion
6556 9470
ganglion sacrale quintum
fifth sacral ganglion
6567 6795
ganglion impar
ganglion impar
6276 9972
ganglion paravertebrale accessorium
accessory paravertebral ganglion
5892 9472
ganglion prevertebrale
prevertebral ganglion
29 items
69 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The Sympathetic trunk often ends by forming an enlargement, the Ganglion impar, with the contralateral trunk in front of the Os coccygis.
Date: 18.03.2022